Kingdom-minded leaders have encountered change beyond what we could have ever anticipated in 2020. The political environment created unprecedented tension, Covid-19 transformed how we do life, and major hurricanes devasted several coastal U.S. areas. Dr. Randall Langley, president of Christian Life School of Theology Global, and his wife Laurie Langley recently shared their wisdom for Biblically embracing change as an opportunity to live differently in a recent episode of the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast.
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Having more than two decades of experience in leading and developing people and teams, Laurie is passionately committed to the values of integrity and follow-through. From a position of being a lifelong learner, Laurie is recognized as a highly capable communicator, an organization and proficiency professional, and is trained and seasoned in outcome management. In addition to the business skills she has developed over the years, Laurie is passionate about sharing hope, living in peace, and her belief in the power of kindness. She lives in Pensacola, FL with her husband, Dr. Randal Langley.
Kingdom-minded leaders have encountered change beyond what we could have ever anticipated in 2020. The political environment created unprecedented tension, Covid-19 transformed how we do life, and major hurricanes devasted several coastal U.S. areas. Dr. Randal Langley, president of Christian Life School of Theology Global, and his wife Laurie Langley recently shared their wisdom for Biblically embracing change as an opportunity to live differently in a recent episode of the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast.
The events of this year have made it clear that being willing to change is not enough anymore. You must be fluid and embrace the opportunity for change. The Bible says, the Holy Spirit will lead, guide and direct us into all truth and show us things to come (John 16:13). It’s also grounding to remember that even in a time marked with such great change, God is faithful. Curve balls will come, but the faithfulness of God still rules.
Reject the temptation to accept fear and anxiety as your response to change. The apostle Paul says, “…in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us (Romans 8:37).” Even on the worst day of your life, when it looks like all hell has broken loose, that’s when you need to rise up as a Kingdom-minded leader for yourself, your household, your organization or your business. We are overcomers no matter what the circumstances look like.
Jesus said, “…my peace I give unto you (John 14:27).” Leaders – if you know Jesus, then His peace is your permanent possession. We have the choice to keep or relinquish our peace. The peace of God is something you have access to because you know who He is based on His Word and can rest in that saving knowledge.
Maybe the methodology or strategy we’re using has changed during 2020, but our mission as Christians has not changed. This is an opportunity to live differently. Resolve to:
If you’re going to go through stuff, at least grow through your stuff. Lean into the Lord and all He has for you. As long as we’re on this planet, we are instruments of the love of God, the grace of God, the goodness of God, and the power of God.
Subscribe to the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast with Dr. Langley for more Biblical wisdom for today’s kingdom-minded leaders.