Discover the joy and significance of living your life centered on Kingdom purpose. Are you wrestling with what God wants to do in and through your life? Tim and Dawna Avery, founders of Visual Testaments, a ministry dedicated to bringing hope to the hopeless and the Father to the fatherless, share how Kingdom-minded leaders can learn to live on mission in our most recent episode of the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast.
Tim and Dawn Avery are the founders of Visual Testaments, a ministry dedicated to bringing hope to the hopeless and the Father to the fatherless. They are passionate about training Kingdom-minded leaders to cast a vision they believe in and empower confidence in those they are blessed to lead. Their ministry, Visual Testaments, offers a safe place for people break free from their past, receive inner healing, and experience personal growth.
Tim and Dawna Avery’s story is the story of Abram (Abraham) in Genesis 12. “The LORD had said to Abram, ‘Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you (Genesis 12:1).’” Scripture says that Abraham “departed” and immediately did just what the Lord instructed. Abraham left his relatives and father’s country behind and was blessed, made into a great nation, and today all the families of the earth are blessed through him.
In Hebrews 11:8, it says that, “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Abraham’s inheritance was determined by his actions. God not only wanted to bless Abraham, but others as well through his obedience.
Living by faith isn’t an easy decision to make but acting with obedience receives the Lord’s blessing. Knowing where you are going isn’t a necessity; knowing that God is with you as a follower of Christ will give you the confidence to trust Him.
We are reminded in scripture to, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him (Psalm 34:8).” The Lord will provide for you even in the simplest things – like a parking spot. It’s those simple things that help build trust and faith in Him. When making larger decisions of trust like “sell everything you have and follow me,” those decisions become easier because you have a history of baby-step trust steps.
It can be hard to see how our flesh is warring against the best that God has for us. Even if you go all the way back to the Garden of Eden, the way Satan was able to steal the inheritance and the blessing of Adam and Eve is because Satan convinced them that God was withholding from them. That lie drove them to completely abandon their destiny and their purpose.
If you’re saying, “Yes, I love the Lord but I want to do things my way,” what you’re really saying in a roundabout way is that God is withholding His best from you. Staying yielded to the Father and trusting His plans for your life is key to living on mission.
Sometimes God will ask you to do radical things. Are you too attached to your things or your way of life to do what God wants you to do? If so, you might be missing out on the Lord’s greatest blessing for your life.
Subscribe to the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast with Dr. Langley to listen this episode and others for more Biblical wisdom on the areas of lordship, leadership and lifestyle.
Touched by My Father: A Healing Journeyby Tim Avery – Timothy James Avery takes you through his personal and raw experience with being sexually abused by his biological father. He boldly shares the effects it had on him growing up as a child and the catastrophic decisions that he made in his adult life. Tim shares how he was able to gain closure and healing from the horrific experiences which gave him freedom from shame, guilt, and fear. This book aims to the heart of the reader who has struggled with any type of abuse. His message to them is they too can have their heart healed and life restored. We are not the sum total of the tragic events in our lives. Our life is meant to last a lifetime, not our tragedies! Get your copy now on Amazon at:
Visual Testaments: Deliverance, Healing and Practical Ways to Bring Hope to the Hopeless by Dawna Avery – Dawna shares her difficult times of grief, shame, adultery, and betrayal to build a platform that allows the reader to recognize the Grace of God abounding in her life. Her transparency and authenticity will pull the reader into a moment that is relatable to any age. Her raw stories of trials that would bring most to the depths of despair, show how seemingly hopeless circumstances can lend way to the Author of Hope rewriting her story! She shares practical ways that the reader can share their own testimonies to bring themselves and others freedom! Dawna shares her testimonies, in vivid color, taking you on the journey through her personal life stories. She revisits the painful and even miraculous moments of her humanity to captivate a relational response to the need for a very loving Father. When our humanity meets His divinity, we show the redemptive power of His love that never fails and always plants a seed of hope into the next person! We become visual testaments of HIS love. Get your copy now on Amazon at:
Tim and Dawna Avery – Visit the Visual Testaments website at to connect with Tim and Dawna Avery.
“The Lord’s never let us down in any respect, so why would we not trust him by going wherever He was leading us to go?” ~ Tim Avery
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” ~ Psalm 34:8
“Learn to be happy with just His presence. Can you really look the Father in the face and say, ‘Daddy, you’re enough?’” ~ Dawna Avery
“You have to be a student before you can become a teacher.” ~ Tim Avery
“Sometimes it’s hard to see how our flesh is warring against the best that God has for us.” ~ Dr. Randal Langley
“Once you’ve established Lordship as the foundation your life, then you can really become a leader and engage in what leadership is all about. Jesus was the greatest leader and He made it really clear that the greatest leader must become the greatest servant.” ~ Dr. Randal Langley
“There’s a natural progression of spiritual growth and development. It’s the goodness of God that leads people to mentors who will help them know Him better.” ~ Dr. Randal Langley
“Sometimes God will ask you to do radical things. Are you too attached to your things or your way of life to do what God wants you to do? If so, you might be missing out on the Lord’s greatest blessing for your life.” ~ Dr. Randal Langley