As a Kingdom-minded leader, it can be challenging to stay encouraged with all of the end-times prophecies and views circulating among Christian circles today. Some think that we’re approaching the final days while others seem to have no particular opinion about eschatological views. In our latest episode of the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast, “End-Times Encouragement for Kingdom-Minded Leaders,” Rev. Greg Hinnant, founder of Greg Hinnant Ministries, prolific author, and one of our distinguished faculty members at Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), shares what he’s learned from years of advanced study on this subject.
Pastor Greg Hinnant is founder of Greg Hinnant Ministries, a prolific author, and a distinguished faculty member at CLSTG. His present teaching and writing ministries are founded on years of devotional and systematic study of the Bible and Christian history, and have been strongly influenced by the teachings of some of the masters of the spiritual life, such as Oswald Chambers and A. W. Tozer. His books focus on a range of topics such as end-times Biblical prophecies, Proverbs, overcoming adversity, and much more. Pastor Hinnant has also ministered in churches, schools, and conferences across America and abroad for many years.
As a Kingdom-minded leader, it can be challenging to stay encouraged with all of the end-times prophecies and views circulating among Christian circles today. Some think that we’re approaching the final days while others seem to have no particular opinion about eschatological views. In our latest episode of the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast, “End-Times Encouragement for Kingdom-Minded Leaders,” Rev. Greg Hinnant, founder of Greg Hinnant Ministries, prolific author, and one of our distinguished faculty members at Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), shares what he’s learned from years of advanced study on this subject.
So what in the world is going on and where are we with end-times events? For many leaders, the subject of “end-times” triggers confusion, apprehension, and even fear. As in the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:24-30), Satan desires to confuse the church at the very hour Jesus is about to come.
Eschatology, or the study of end-times, is as neglected a subject in Bible schools and seminaries today as it has been for years. We’ve raised up a whole new generation of pastoral leaders who are confused about and even afraid of this subject. The church needs leaders who will immerse themselves “neck deep” in end-times scripture to understand how important this subject is and how it applies to today’s world. There’s tremendous encouragement for Christians within the prophetic scriptures.
Peace concerning the last days only comes through two things:
1. Correct biblical knowledge – End-times times teachings and prophesies are jig-saw puzzles so we need sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) who can put the pieces of the puzzle together in an intelligible, hope-giving image (which God intended) that we can understand.
2. Personal spiritual readiness – It’s not just knowing and understanding biblical prophecy that will give us peace, but our personal response and obedience to that prophecy.
Remember, God is not the author of confusion and fear. The enemy is responsible for both of these responses – but there is good news! God has a clear and wise plan; He’s going to turn every evil thing that occurs from here until the end into a Kingdom positive. The worst Satan can do will be used to achieve God’s best plan.
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