With the unexpected, challenging experiences Kingdom-minded leaders encountered in 2020, it can be difficult to envision what our plans will look like for 2021. Many of us are searching for encouragement and direction to navigate the days, months, and even years to come. As you consider what’s ahead, learn three essential key truths to embrace regarding 1) presence, 2) purpose, and 3) plans in the latest episode of the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast.
Dr. Randal S. Langley is the President and CEO of Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), a world leader in theological and leadership education, providing online degree programs and customized Christian higher-education solutions for churches, ministries and other organizations.
Dr. Langley is also president of the International Association of Bible Colleges and Seminaries and is a founding partner and certified life coach, teacher, and trainer for the John C. Maxwell Team. His desire is to help people fulfill their ultimate purpose in life and achieve their God-given dreams.
This episode is a little different than our typical guest-style format; it features a message I recently shared at Liberty Church in Pensacola, Florida. The topic of the message sermon series, “My Future Self,” was focused on providing insight into what you would’ve told yourself as a “younger you” had you known what you now know. As a young emerging leader, I would’ve wanted my future self to understand that God wants us to stay focused on our calling and mission by living a life that is committed to the following:
The worst thing to me is people who do know God but live untethered from His presence. They live unaware of His plans and purposes for their lives. Only as you spend time in the presence of God will He begin to give you vision for your future.
The following scriptures highlight the value of being in the presence of the Lord:
Man has plans. God has purpose. When you’re connected to the Father, you have a purpose and many times that purpose is not what we were planning. It’s important to remember that He is good and He “causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose for them (Romans 8:28).” Discover and know your purpose so that you can live on mission.
When you know your purpose, it becomes easier to evaluate and make decisions. You can simply say “no” to the things that will distract you and take you away from your purpose and “yes” to the things you know will enable you to fulfill your purpose.
Scripture says, “Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions (Proverbs 4:25).” Make sure that your plans are going to keep you on your path to your purpose.
The Word of God must be the loudest voice in your life so that you can walk out plans in alignment with the purpose that has been revealed from spending time in His presence.
Subscribe to the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast with Dr. Langley to listen this episode and others for more Biblical wisdom on the areas of lordship, leadership and lifestyle.