According to the Genesis account, God skillfully crafted women and endowed them with a specific expression of His nature. In this episode, learn more about the value of giving women “a seat at the table” and the challenges many of them face in ministry and organizational leadership.
Having more than two decades of experience in leading and developing people and teams, Laurie Langley is passionately committed to the values of integrity and follow-through. From a position of being a lifelong learner, Laurie is recognized as a highly capable communicator, an organization and proficiency professional, and is trained and seasoned in outcome management. In addition to the business skills she has developed over the years, Laurie is passionate about sharing hope, living in peace, and her belief in the power of kindness. She lives in Pensacola, Florida, with her husband, Dr. Randal Langley.
“So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” — Genesis 1:27
Women are needed in every arena on earth, especially in the ministry world, because of the unique gift and perspective they bring. Their gifts compliment — and are synergistic with — men. With women, organizations become more than they could be without them. They will bring a healthier, more-rounded and more-whole perspective everywhere they’re given a voice.
Many men in leadership believe this to be true, but they fail to actually put it into practice.
In this episode, the Chief Marketing Officer for Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), Jessie Williams, interviews Laurie Langley. They discuss the value of women in leadership, the importance of setting aside offense, and the challenges faced by many women in ministry. They also challenge all ministerial leaders with the following exhortations, and I couldn’t endorse them more:
Be educated by His Spirit. — What is it God wants to do in your business, church or sphere of ministry with the women on your paid or volunteer staff?
Consult with the women of influence and spiritual maturity around you. — What is it like to be a woman in this organization?
Read. — Books like Powerful and Free and Fashioned to Reign describe God’s intention for equal partnership and women in ministerial leadership.
Prayerfully make changes. — Include women who are gifted, passionate, educated and valuable. Don’t reinforce the idea of a glass ceiling out of fear or tradition.
To this point, Jesus was a liberator of women. He included them, ministered to them and taught them. He set the standard for what He wanted His Kingdom to look like where women are concerned.
Subscribe to the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast with Dr. Langley to listen to this episode and others for more Biblical wisdom on the areas of lordship, leadership and lifestyle.
“How to Keep Your Peace Through Tragedy and Triumph,” Pinnacle Leaders Podcast, Episode 20 — If you know and follow Jesus, then peace is your permanent possession. Why then, do we sometimes live and lead without peace? You can keep your peace even in the busiest and hardest seasons of life. Rev. Laurie Langley shares how to live in this peace to accomplish your Kingdom vision in the midst of tragedy or triumph.
Anonymous Women of Faith: A Theology of Faith (BT610) — Dr. Alvis Harthern teaches this study of the lives of seven unidentified women who demonstrated supernatural faith. She teaches what faith is, how to get faith, and how to live a faith-based life.
“I believe, ultimately, it takes both a man and a woman to fully represent the nature of God.” — Rev. Laurie Langley
“Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.’ So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” — Genesis 1:26-27
“Our own gifts compliment — and are synergistic with — men.” — Rev. Laurie Langley
“Jesus was a liberator of women. He set the standard for what He wanted His Kingdom to look like where women are concerned.” — Rev. Laurie Langley
“Offense puts me crosswise with the will of God and it makes me toxic.” — Rev. Laurie Langley
“Sometimes I’ve interpreted [experiencing a glass ceiling] as ‘I’m a problem.’ But I’m not a problem. According to Genesis, we were created as an answer.” — Rev. Laurie Langley
“When Jesus had every opportunity to be offended, He chose to keep His heart soft. That ministers to people: loving others even when they aren’t loving us well. And that can minister to the leadership over us who maybe don’t see the value of having women at the table.” — Jessie Williams
“Growth happens in the stretching.” — Jessie Williams