If you want to see a miracle happen in your life, take a look at Hannah’s example in the book of 1 Samuel. In our last episode, we saw that she prayed with authenticity. Today, we’re examining two more elements of her prayer: tenacity and surrender. Listen in as we discuss God’s desire to answer the prayers of his people in bigger ways than we could ever imagine.
Dr. Randal S. Langley is the President of Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), a world leader in theological and leadership education, providing online degree programs and customized Christian higher-education solutions for churches, ministries and other organizations. Dr. Langley is also president of the International Association of Bible Colleges and Seminaries and is a founding partner and certified life coach, teacher, and trainer for the John C. Maxwell Team. His desire is to help people fulfill their ultimate purpose in life and achieve their God-given dreams.
In our last episode, we saw that Hannah cried out to the Lord in all her pain and brokenness over her inability to bear a child. Now we’re looking at two more guiding principles of her prayer:
Even in her greatest discouragement, Hannah persistently sought the Lord. She refused to give up. Instead of focusing on her own negative circumstances, she directed her attention to what God could do.
Sometimes when we’re feeling broken, we look for other broken people to complain to, when what we really need is to pour out our hearts to the Lord. He is the only one who can actually change the situation, so don’t stop praying!
“Our prayers should not be about what we want; they should be about what God wants.”
The Lord kept Hannah from having children initially because she was part of a much bigger plan than she could have ever imagined. God eventually answered her prayers and gave her a boy whom she named Samuel, which means “God has heard.” She was willing to offer him back to the Lord, and Samuel became one of the greatest leaders of the Old Testament. Hannah was also blessed with five more children.
What are the “barren” issues in your life right now? What looks impossible? God has a plan for you, and it may be something far bigger than you’d expect. Run to him like Hannah did, and watch what happens.
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