Church growth has been researched, taught and written about for decades. Church health, on the other hand, is a more recent emphasis. Today we’re giving you a sneak peek into a popular Christian Life School of Theology Global course called “Building Churches That Last” taught by Dr. Larry Asplund. In this episode, he highlights nine fundamentals that defined the first church in the book of Acts. Learn the dynamics of the New Testament church that can help build a healthy church today.
Dr. Larry Asplund comes from a long line of Christian ministers and educators. He has been involved in pastoral ministry and teaching for 48 years, including serving as an associate pastor, teaching pastor, senior pastor, and church planter. His professional background also includes being actively engaged in the ministry of higher education for 31 years, including roles as a full-time Bible college teacher, seminary teacher, and university vice president.
The keys to both church growth and church health can be found in the book of Acts. Here are nine components of the “first church” that can be used to establish a local church that will be more than a fad, lasting until Jesus comes.
A clear doctrinal foundation – They had ears to hear and hearts to understand.
They formed converts into a faith community – Connection and relationship were highly valued.
They had a leadership structure involving apostles and elders – This framework for human authority proved effective.
They shared a lifestyle of fellowship – Togetherness was a way of life, not an occasional event.
They were given to prayer and praise – Today the concept of corporate prayer can be challenging, but for the first church, it was natural.
They practiced the presence or the fear of the Lord – They stayed tuned into the Spirit, and they made room for him in their midst.
They lived a life of selfless service – Whenever there was a need, they were there to meet it.
They maintained unity – There were differences of opinion, just like today, but they worked to avoid conflict.
They impacted the surrounding community – Their lifestyle contrasted with others around them, which resulted in positive influence.
Subscribe to the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast with Dr. Langley to listen to this episode and others for more Biblical wisdom on the areas of lordship, leadership and lifestyle.
Building Churches That Last (PT727) – This course explores the “first church,” as described in the book of Acts and seeks to observe dynamics and principles that can be used to establish a local church that will be more than a fad, lasting until Jesus comes. Students will learn to identify and describe the dynamics of the New Testament church and be able to apply them to the church today.
The History of the Early Church (HT510) – This course covers early Church history spanning from its origins to the Council of Chalcedon in A.D. 451. Along with a general overview, special attention is paid to the notable people, movements and traditions that have created a rich heritage for the modern day Church. This course provides a foundation, frees students from the limited view of the present and helps one better understand the Lord Jesus Christ.
“The #1 American cultural value is individualism. The #1 American complaint is loneliness.” — Dr. Larry Asplund
“The more we’re connected to each other, the more it’s just natural to find helpful ways to live that lifestyle of selfless service.” — Dr. Larry Asplund
“Unity has to be maintained. You have to work at it. You have to always think, ‘Is this issue worth dividing over?’”— Dr. Larry Asplund
“If all these dynamics are in place, you can imagine that the neighbors are going to start noticing a difference.” — Dr. Larry Asplund