Physical well-being is deeply connected to spiritual health. Lack of balance on either side can wear us down, reduce our effectiveness and wreak havoc on our lives. Our guest in this episode is exercise physiologist Dr. Jason Williams, who helps us unpack the relationship between body and spirit. He shares biblical wisdom on caring for our bodies so that we can effectively impact God’s Kingdom.
Dr. Randal S. Langley is the President and CEO of Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), a world leader in theological and leadership education solutions for churches, ministries and other organizations. A visionary leader and dynamic communicator, Dr. Langley serves as a guest-speaker and provides leadership strategy/counsel for ministries and other organizations across the U.S. and internationally. As part of his commitment to helping people achieve their God-given purpose, Dr. Langley is also a founding partner and certified life coach, teacher, and trainer for the John C. Maxwell Team.
Dr. Jason Williams is an exercise physiologist and teaching faculty member at Florida State University. He has more than a decade of experience in higher education and is a human performance coach. As the founder of Williams Sports & Fitness, he is very passionate about helping God’s people live spiritually and physically healthy lives.
We see biblical examples like Job and Paul, who suffered physical affliction. We also see many instances in scripture where people were miraculously healed. God is mysterious, and sometimes it’s hard to understand why we don’t always walk in divine healing, but the Word of God says that “by his stripes, we are healed.” Jesus conquered sickness and death when he died on the cross, so it would be contradictory to God’s character for him to curse our bodies with illness and disease.
We live in a fallen world, so many of the ailments we experience are a result of our own lack of discipline and intentionality with our bodies. We know we need to eat better, exercise more and get more rest, but we struggle to follow through. Typically when we get in the habit of making bad decisions, it’s because we are out of communion with God. When we are physically on point and taking care of our bodies, we are being imitators of God. The moment we stop pursuing Christ, we start to lose sight of what’s important, and that includes our physical well-being.
As believers, we fast for increased intimacy with the Lord, but fasting is also linked with many health benefits. Physiologically, when we restrict food intake, we activate a protein in our cells that starts a renewal process. This cleansing of the cells only happens when we are calorically restricted. This means that when we fast, we simultaneously renew both body and spirit.
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