In the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus left his followers with clear instructions: They were to make disciples by teaching people to obey all he had commanded. Obedience is not a popular idea, but when we dedicate ourselves to following Jesus, we’ll watch our lives transform. In this episode, Dr. Larry Asplund shares principles from his book, Yoked: Teaching Apprentices of Jesus, and unpacks what it looks like to be yoked with Jesus.
Dr. Randal S. Langley is the President and CEO of Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), a world leader in theological and leadership education solutions for churches, ministries and other organizations. A visionary leader and dynamic communicator, Dr. Langley serves as a guest-speaker and provides leadership strategy/counsel for ministries and other organizations across the U.S. and internationally. As part of his commitment to helping people achieve their God-given purpose, Dr. Langley is also a founding partner and certified life coach, teacher, and trainer for the John C. Maxwell Team.
Dr. Larry Asplund comes from a long line of Christian ministers and educators. He has been involved in pastoral ministry and teaching for 48 years, including serving as an associate pastor, teaching pastor, senior pastor, and church planter. His professional background also includes being actively engaged in the ministry of higher education for 31 years, including roles as a full-time Bible college teacher, seminary teacher, and university vice president.
In Matthew 11, Jesus invites those who want to follow Him to come under His yoke. In those days, a yoke was used to connect two animals when pulling a plow. Typically one of them was older with more experience, and the other was a younger one that needed training. So when Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you,” He is recommending a training strategy.
What does the yoked life look like? It could be defined as a full-time apprenticeship to Jesus. It is a 24/7 lifestyle dedicated to learning from Him and submitting to His teaching, which has a transforming effect on our lives, empowering us to become more active participants in His mission.
As we walk with Jesus, obedience becomes natural. It is our relationship with Him that keeps us committed to staying close and following wherever he leads. Along the way, He connects us with others who can help us follow Him better and participate in His mission with greater effectiveness.
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