Your emotional health is a vital, strategic part of your role as a good leader. In this episode, Dr. Randal Langley and his wife Rev. Laurie Langley continue their discussion of Paul Scanlon’s principles of emotional prosperity. Learn why your emotions need border control, boundaries, literacy and hygiene in order to live a life of freedom and wholeness.
Dr. Randal S. Langley is the President and CEO of Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), a world leader in theological and leadership education solutions for churches, ministries and other organizations. A visionary leader and dynamic communicator, Dr. Langley serves as a guest-speaker and provides leadership strategy/counsel for ministries and other organizations across the U.S. and internationally. As part of his commitment to helping people achieve their God-given purpose, Dr. Langley is also a founding partner and certified life coach, teacher, and trainer for the John C. Maxwell Team.
Having more than two decades of experience in leading and developing people and teams, Laurie Langley is passionately committed to the values of integrity and follow-through. From a position of being a lifelong learner, Laurie is recognized as a highly capable communicator, an organization and proficiency professional, and is trained and seasoned in outcome management. In addition to the business skills she has developed over the years, Laurie is passionate about sharing hope, living in peace, and her belief in the power of kindness.
Paul Scanlon is a public speaker and coach focusing on communication, leadership and personal development. He has outlined six principles of emotional prosperity, and in this podcast episode, we cover the last four:
When you cross the border into a foreign country, you are asked questions like, Why are you here?; How long are you staying? We need to do the same thing with our emotions and act as border control for our internal country. Interrogate your emotions and any related data before you attribute meanings. If an emotion doesn’t belong, do not let it in.
The internal part of our lives is a place where we can love ourselves and love others, too. The enemy tries to get us to choose either/or instead of both/and. Boundaries are about self-respect and we never have to change them for someone else.
You have to assign the proper definitions to your emotions. For example, guilt says I’ve done something wrong; shame says there’s something wrong with me. From the outside, they may look the same, but what matters is our heart posture. Stop and identify what you’re really feeling.
Is your internal country filled with bitterness and unforgiveness? If so, this will impact how you deal with your emotions. When you recognize these strongholds in your life, it’s time for some soul cleansing. Submit what’s inside to the Lord, and consider speaking with a specialist to help you get free from bondage.
God never leaves us or forsakes us. Be encouraged that He wants us to prosper and be in good health. He promises to walk with us and lead us to a place of freedom, health and wholeness.
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