We might picture Jesus as wandering around ministering to whomever randomly crossed his path, but it wasn’t like that at all. He had to be very strategic about what He did and when He did it so that He would not be killed before his time. The Sermon on the Mount was one such event that required precise timing, as it launched his Kingdom on earth. In this episode, you’re getting a sneak peek into our newest online course, Sermon on the Mount: Jesus’ Greatest Message, coming soon to Christian Life School of Theology Global.
Dr. Paul Shirek is the founder of the Northern Christian Alliance, an organization working and praying together to present the message of Jesus Christ, strengthen churches, and positively affect the culture of Wisconsin and the north. He and his wife, Doreen, are senior pastors at Faith Christian Church, where they have led since its founding in 1985. Paul is the author of The Last One Standing, a great read for anyone looking to be inspired and see the vision and drive he has to see God’s church thrive in today’s culture.
How many times do we read in the Bible that after Jesus performed great miracles, He told his disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side. What’s so great about the other side? Many of Jesus’ profound miracles happened in Capernaum, a fishing village located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was aware that the ruling authority, Herod Antipas, posed a threat to His ministry, and that is why He and His followers often crossed the sea to safety.
Even in his miracles, Jesus was strategic. He healed the daughter of Jairus, a local synagogue official. He also healed a Roman centurion’s servant. By appealing to these two men in positions of power, Jesus built a barrier of protection for himself in Capernaum.
Jesus knew He came to the world to die — He wasn’t surprised by this or afraid of it — but he also knew his death must come at the appointed time. He had to carefully navigate the political and religious mine field of His day in order to accomplish the work He was sent to do.
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