You Can Receive Academic Credit!

Dr. Langley’s courses are eligible for credit toward a degree through Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG)!
Receive 3 hours of credit toward your degree program of choice at CLSTG for each of Dr. Langley's available courses. You can even earn a B.Th. with a concentration in communication/preaching. There will be an exam and extra assignment to take advantage of this academic credit. You must also apply and be enrolled directly by CLSTG.

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (PT511)

A True Leadership Classic! - Dr. Randal S. Langley teaches 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Dr. Langley brings to life one of the best selling books of all time, John Maxwell’s "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Drawing on his extensive leadership experience, this course offers relevant life insights as Dr. Langley compares notable biblical characters with practical applications of success and failure facing today's leaders. It includes insights learned from from the worlds of business, politics, sports, religion, and the military. As John Maxwell famously noted, “Everything rises and falls on the basis of leadership.”

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership definitely falls under the “MUST TAKE” category for anyone desiring to grow and develop as an influential leader!

The Dynamics of Effective Communication (PT340)

The pathway to becoming an effective and high-impact public speaker starts with Dr. Randal Langley and The Dynamics of Effective Communication. Dr. Langley has literally taught and coached thousands of students around the world in the art of effective communication. Effective communication changes lives and launches people into action! For those serving in ministry, education, sales, authors, entrepreneurs or leadership of any sort, the ability to communicate and speak effectively is directly connected to your success. In the “The Dynamics of Effective Communication,” Dr. Randal Langley teaches the SCORRE method of communication logic used by many of today’s best leaders and speakers.

Developed through extensive research, “The Dynamics of Effective Communication” was created to enable speakers to communicate with excellence and power. Breaking down the characteristics shared by great communicators, you will learn a step by step process that will radically shape the effectiveness of your communication and leadership. This course is relevant for veteran speakers, beginners and ANYONE who wants to become a high-impact speaker and leader.